Camargue is an area of over 930 km ² and is practically a large lowland island (surrounded by river and sea), situated in one of the largest river deltas in Europe. Third area is the lake - the largest is Etang de vaccarese. Coast Marine are the sand dunes, occupy the center of the marshes and lakes, the northern part of the agricultural land (rice cultivation). The soil is mostly brackish namuły river, the land is regularly flooded and inundated, and most lakes are the remnants of oxbow lakes.
In the Camargue, there are approximately 400 species of rare birds in Europe (including the continent's largest breeding colony of flamingos), and other animals (including the famous wild white "horses of the Camargue). The vegetation is mainly słonorośla and tamarisk. Plague the region are mosquitoes. The area was protected as early as 1927, and in 1970 created the Parc Régional de Camargue, with many reserves.
Camargue landscape was largely transformed by man (the construction of dykes and drainage channels). The region is sparsely populated, due to unfavorable climatic conditions, a small population living from tourism, harvesting of sea salt and breeding bulls to fight in the arenas. Located at the seaside resort of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is the annual pilgrimage of Roma people to the famous miraculous statue of sacred Sarah (regarded as their protectress).